

欢迎来到博天堂官方哲学课! 虽然这门学科的名声是 abstract and technical, the word literally means “love of wisdom,” and our faculty is committed to bringing the benefits of a philosophical education to students from 各行各业.

Did you know that among college graduates with no further training beyond a bachelor’s degree, philosophy majors earn higher average salaries by mid-career than other humanities and social sciences majors except economics, and more than most technical and vocational 专业也一样? 不要只相信我们的话,看看这份薪资调查吧 从《博天堂官方网站》下载,点击下面的方框. 一旦你打开了 survey, click twice at the top of the “Mid-Career Median Salary" column to sort from 从高到低.


These numbers aren’t surprising when you consider the story behind the data. 哲学 facilitates serious reflection on your most fundamental beliefs and values, enabling you to clarify your most basic concepts and discover the reasons you have for thinking 以你的方式行事. 无论你是选择一门课程还是完成一门课程 our degrees, philosophy will help you understand more about who you really are, and how you can craft a meaningful and productive life in our ever changing world.




This year's Ethics Bowl Team did an amazing job convincing competitors and judges 我们是一个强大,聪明,专业的团队.  和我一起祝贺丹尼尔 Mangandi-Escobar (Psychology and 哲学), Maya Chavez (Political Science), Chase Weynand (哲学), Haley Artis (哲学), Luna Abernathy (哲学), and Cora 祝斯塔克斯(哲学)再创佳绩.

Coaches Bailie Peterson and Jeff Brown were so impressed with their skills and progress, defending well-thought-out arguments on a variety of contemporary ethical issues.  Email bailie.peterson@qmdsteam.com 加入团队!



Join me in congratulating our 哲学 Honor's awardees for Spring 2024: Haley Reed, 丹尼尔·曼甘迪·埃斯科瓦尔和卢娜·阿伯纳西!



Luna Abernathy, a senior philosophy major, was recently accepted into the highly competitive Summer Seminar in 哲学 program at the University of Colorado Boulder. 这个项目 is intended for "outstanding advanced undergraduate philosophy students" and provides an on-campus experience intended to prepare students for graduate study. 露娜是 first UNC student to represent the HSS 哲学 department in this program. The application committee noted in particular that they were impressed with her application.



Professor Tom Trelogan, who taught at UNC since 1976, passed away in January 2020 在因癌症并发症住院后.

Over five decades at UNC, he developed and taught a range of 哲学 courses, introducing 许多主题. 他在帮助创建荣誉与自由方面发挥了重要作用 Arts Core programs and was an early adopter of the Internet, managing an online Argument Clinic from 1997-2015 and serving as the webmaster for the College of Humanities and 1999-2009年社会科学.

“I know for quite a few of you, he was your guide through the history of western philosophy; for others, he was a mentor, friend, and the person who introduced you to philosophy,” Assistant Professor and Chair of 哲学 John Ramsey wrote in an email to the department. "He 将会被深深怀念."

Among his awards, Trelogan was recognized with the UNC Excellence in Academic 领导 Award in 2006 and was named Honors coordinator of the year in 1991 and professor of 1988年.

While no services will be held, the 哲学 Department is planning a tree dedication 以纪念特雷洛根校园重新开放时. 详情将于今日在博天堂官方公布 它们变得可用.


哲学 Student Featured on Colorado Department of Higher Education Blog

Nate Evans最近发表了一篇博客文章,思考一下:缩小高等教育中的性别平等差距," for the Colorado Department of Education "Student Voices" series, discussing the 女大学生哲学大会.

"This conference is a powerful testament to the importance philosophy programs across Colorado have placed on inclusive engagement, specifically in empowering women."



即将毕业的大四哲学系学生讨论了他选择北卡大学的原因. 兰斯顿也是 在UNC的“2019年春季毕业生的面孔——祝贺你!

UNC students selected to present at Undergraduate Women's 哲学 Conference 


Two 哲学 majors have been selected to present papers at the 4th Annual Undergraduate 女性哲学会议将于4月5日至7日在密歇根州立大学丹佛分校举行. 这是高度选择性的 接受率低于25%的会议.

  • Senior Flor Mendoza will be speaking on 哲学 Through the Guilty Silence
  • Junior Vanessa Salazar will be speaking on Counterpart Theory and its Implication 论自由意志

Flor’s presentation began as a paper for Assistant Professor John Ramsey’s seminar 博天堂官方网站“什么是哲学?凡妮莎的报告开始了它作为助理论文的生活 Professor Bailie 彼得森的 class on Metaphysics, and is inspired by Dr. 彼得森的 对偶理论研究.

Six more philosophy students — Lillian Canfield, Nate Evans, Annika Holm, Alina Moreau, David Rodezno and Jorge Rubio — will also be participating in the conference as commentators 或者会议主持人. 还有哲学系教员南希·马奇特和贝利·彼得森 will be co-facilitating a workshop on Empowering Women in 哲学.

哲学 major selected for 汉密尔顿学院暑期哲学课程

哲学系大三学生内特·埃文斯被选为 汉密尔顿学院暑期哲学课程 (HCSPiP). 这个项目 brings together creative teachers, ambitious undergraduates, and engaging graduate students, for three concurrent, innovative, two-week courses 在哲学. Room and Board are free, and students also receive a $750 stipend and up to $500 to cover travel costs to and from the site in rural New York state. Not surprisingly, this is one of the more competitive summer programs for undergraduate philosophers in the country, and the philosophy department faculty are incredibly 为内特获得一席之地感到骄傲.