


The 大学的荣誉 Program is currently soliciting proposals from faculty members to teach courses in the undergraduate Honors program for delivery in 2024–25, 2025-26 及以后. 教师可以为HON 395专题课程提出新的字幕; Honors 100 or 200 level seminars with any theme, and may propose to teach a current lac认可的荣誉课程. 

Cost of in-load Honors teaching will be expensed to Honors/Undergraduate Studies, 改进家庭部门的教学成本指标. 愿意教英语的教员 作为超负荷学习的荣誉课程必须得到其单位领导的批准 & 学院院长(确认) in-load duties will not be adversely affected) as well as the Schulze椅子 and the AVP f或者你ndergraduate Studies (confirming willingness to fund the overload in this 例).


罗伯特·阿. Schulze served as Dean of UNC’s College of 艺术 and Sciences from 1972 until 1981 and was a Professor of Sociology here from the time of his arrival in 1972 until 他于1987年退休. 他以过人的智慧、活泼的幽默、 以及学术热情. 坚信跨学科工作的重要性, he was instrumental in starting the Life of the Mind program as well as programs in 环境研究、妇女研究、非洲研究和哲学. 舒尔茨的 Honors Course Development Grant honors his legacy by supporting UNC faculty in the development or extensive redesign of courses with a dedicated interdisciplinary focus, 作为大学荣誉课程的一部分.

Incentive Course Development Grants will be awarded in the following amounts:

  • 2000美元用于新的高影响力课程(LAC和GT衔接课程)
  • 其他课程1500美元

Please note that incentive funding is available for retooling existing syllabi/course assignments/course materials for courses currently in the catalog as well as for designing 要添加到目录中的新课程. 未来的导师可以提交一份提案 教授荣誉课程,不论是否申请奖励基金. 


The application for teaching an honors course, with or without a development grant, 由一份简短的提案组成,其中应包括以下内容:

  • 指导员姓名、电子邮件和部门/课程
  • proposed course number, title (included customized title for variable title courses, or sub-title for any other course), a description of the course, and preferred semester (e.g. 2025年春季,2025年秋季,2026年春季)
  • Honors student learning outcomes that the proposed course will address (see Honors 课程)
  • a brief statement (no more than 500 words) on why the proposed course supports the Schulze mission of interdisciplinary education and the Honors mission of diverse/inclusive 以及文化响应式教学.
  • a brief letter of support from instructor's department chair/program director

Please submit all application materials to the Schulze chair, Corinne Wieben at 科琳.wieben@qmdsteam.com. 2024年3月12日,周一之前,优先考虑.


Applications from individuals or teams of instructors in any academic discipline are 欢迎. 希望提出共同授课课程的申请人可以决定如何分开 课程教师之间的补助金. 

Awarded Schulze grant recipients must complete a short training session on Canvas, focusing on the effective design and delivery of interdisciplinary and Honors courses. 完成培训后,他们将获得资助金额的一半. 剩下的 half will be awarded after the recipient has submitted a final report following the 成功交付所建议的课程. 这份报告应该对课程进行评估 design's effectiveness, highlighting its strengths and identifying opportunities for 改进.

If you have questions, please contact the program office at 351-2940 or Corinne Wieben, 舒尔茨荣誉和跨学科研究主席 科琳.wieben@qmdsteam.com.



  • HON 100荣誉联系 (3学分) 跨学科的研讨会,强调 知识领域之间的联系比如科学、艺术、哲学、历史、文学和社会学. 这门课 通常是围绕一个特定的主题或概念框架开发的. (至少三个 slo: 1、2、3、4或5)
  • HON 180在语境中的伟大创意 (3学分)—An introduction to global intellectual and cultural traditions through reading and 经典文学作品讨论. LAA2——艺术&Hum-Lit&人文与lais国际 Studies and GT (All LAC Content and Competency requirements plus at least three SLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5)
  • hon182文化融合 (3学分)— An exploration of African American, Asian American, Hispanic American, Native American 或者你.S. 从历史、文学和艺术的角度看移民文化. LAA2-艺术&Hum-Lit&人文学科 and LAMS- Multicultural Studies and GT Literature (All LAC Content and Competency 需求加上至少三个slo: 1,2,3,4或5)
  • HON 185宗教与世界观 (3学分)— Explores major religious and non- religious worldviews by examining the history, literature, rituals, and teachings of a selection of religious traditions and worldviews, 以及有影响力的古代和现代宗教批判. 也考虑了 ways in which people construct worldviews, as well as the possibilities for inter-religious 对话. LAA3-艺术&humm -Ways of Thinking and GT Ways of Thinking(所有LAC内容 和能力要求加上至少三个slo: 1,2,3,4或5)
  • HON 200荣誉联系II (3学分)— Interdisciplinary seminar that seeks to engage 学生 in a concentrated analysis of their values in the context of the times, developed around a specific theme or 概念框架. (至少三个slo: 1、2、3、4或5)
  • HON 395荣誉专题 (3学分) – VARIABLE TITLE An advanced study of selected topics of an interdisciplinary nature 荣誉课程学生. (至少三个slo: 1、2、3、4或5)
  • HON420荣誉研究方法(3学分) - Examination of research paradigms and methodologies to develop the most appropriate research methods and data analysis processes to design and develop a successful honors 论文的建议. (至少三个slo: 1、2、3、4或5)
  • ANY NEW COURSE that would be proposed for future inclusion as an LAC/GT-Pathways course. May be rolled out as a Special Topics while submitting for LAC/GT-Pathways approval.



HON 180、182和185的荣誉学生名额上限为25名.

HON 100, 200, and 395 are capped at 25 学生 and typically enroll 12-25 Honors 学生.


  1. 创造性和批判性思维: Think and speak analytically with a unique sense of self in order to synthesize 并展示从多种媒介中学习.
  2. 探究分析与整合学习: Connect and extend knowledge from one's own academic focus to other disciplines 以及博天堂官方以外的世界.
  3. 书面及口头沟通: Communicate one's thoughts on paper and in speech effectively with a scholarly voice by using evidentiary support and critical reasoning, within philosophical, analytical 以及适合这门学科的理论框架. 使用恰当的引用 以及学科归属,并参与学术讨论.
  4. 跨文化能力和全球学习: Become cognizant of and engage with a diverse range of cultures, religions and beliefs.
  5. 社区/公民参与和解决问题: Invest in the community and empower self and others to make a positive impact on 以系统为基础的社区

学生学习成果: Full rubric of 荣誉课程学生学习成果 with details and progressive 精通程度. 荣誉100-200级课程应该在入门部分包括slo 或者发展水平. 荣誉300级课程可能包括发展或精通水平. 荣誉400级课程应该包括精通级别.


  • The opportunity to design and deliver robust interdisciplinary offerings highlighting your specific interests (all HON courses must be interdisciplinary by design).
  • The opportunity to expand your pedagogical strategies (all HON courses must incorporate 参与的、具有文化包容性的项目).
  • 支持团队教学(如果需要)和替代资金(如果需要). 请注意, 每门课程最多可获得3个学分.